Pay it forward.

"I have the experience to give you an idea when you need it...
and you will be able to help me when I need it!"

Networking is good for business.

Staying current with industry trends and connecting with like-minded peers
will propel your business and your career.

Best Practices are required.

Change is constant. We all strive to stand-up the most effective Contingent labor program
while delivering required talent.

Data is powerful.

All of the data is at your fingertips.
Knowing how to digest and report on the data is the magic.


What is this all about... and Why should I get involved?!?

Contingent labor management processes and supporting technologies have never fit very well into the traditional HR Tech stack. This means that there are limited avenues to regularly discuss issues and trends with like-minded peers. This group is focused on industry practioniers willing to share knowledge and have a reasonable dose of social interaction. Informative and entertaining!

  • Gain valuable knowledge

    It is even more important to receive a tip or two that will help you with a current issue before looking to the future. The group has deep knowledge that may be just what is needed.

  • Stay up-to-date on industry trends

    This is as close as we allow for service and product pitches. It is important to to listen and analyze current and anticipated industry trends. We simply do not allow specific company sales pitches during the roundtables.

  • Share your experiences

    There are always persistent, troublesome situations that you found the perfect solution. This is a great venue to share your findings in a "pay it forward" manner. You will feel good to assist and the group will pay it back when you need it.

  • Meet new people

    You can never have too many friends. We all have had times when we feel like we are on an island. When you have friends that can relate to your challenges, the results are always good.

Upcoming Events.

There are a variety of upcoming industry and social networking events.
Please click the relevant links to register.

Topic Driven Roundtables

Roundtables occur the 2nd Wednesday in Feb., April, Aug., and Oct.
Each roundtable event includes time for speed networking.

October 16, 2024     Feb 12, 2025      April 16, 2025    

Social Networking

These events occur semi-annually in June and December.
and includes speed networking for additional entertainment.

December 18, 2024     June 18, 2025

Industry Conferences

Some industry conferences. Please forward details
of others you would like to be included.

The Tables

These are the topic driven roundtables

Our roundtables are focused on critical elements of all Contingent workforce programs. Each of these roundtables will be moderated by experts on the topics and are intended to produce conversation that will guide your current and future program decisions.

The Chairs

These are the moderators and contributors of each roundtable.

Here are the topic experts that will be available at each roundtable event.
Each will moderate a specific topic to provide consistent conversation and follow-up.

Darren Rowan
TRS Workforce Solutions
MSP Chair
David Ballew
Nimble Global
Compliance / Risk Chair
Kevin Moldestad
Virtual Workforce
Organizer / VMS Chair
Paul Mudd
TRS Workforce Solutions
ESG Marketplaces Chair
Jon Flahive
Subject Matter Expert
Talent Marketplaces
Cary Sparrow
Labor Market Data
Chris Radvansky
RAD Consultants
Program Analytics
Mickey Pelletier
CWM Strategies
SOW / Projects
Taren Dube
Procurement / Supply Chain

Find some interesting articles here.

Industry News and Notes

Advisory Board

Advisory Board

The advisory board ensures that every roundtable continues to raise relevant issues and inspired discussion. They are always available for comments and feedback.

Kevin Moldestad

Global Sales Leader | Driving Growth

Kevin has been a senior executive at industry leading Extended Workforce Management companies. Providing best practice management strategies and leveraging data are keys to the success and operational goals of every program.

Darren Rowan

Director of Business Development | Workforce Procurement & Supply Chain Management

A dedicated and highly experienced global Workforce Procurement & Supply Chain Management professional with a proven track record in delivering first generation managed workforce solutions.

David Ballew

Founder | CEO | Board Member

With a career spanning over thirty years in contingent workforce management, David Ballew has honed a profound understanding of global talent acquisition and compliance.

Contact Us

Please provide your input!

We strive to provide a thought provoking and personnally engaging events. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Your contact information is not required unless you would like a personal response. Please include the details of your preferred response.

If you need an immediate response, please contact Kevin Moldestad at 612-747-3835 or